My 10 Biggest Business Mistakes (& What YOU Can Learn)

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Too many of us are only showing the best parts of running a business. While watching people’s success online can be inspiring and motivational, it can also make people feel like everyone but them has got their crap together. It can make creatives believe everyone else’s life and business is perfect, but that is never the case. Behind every business owner's success is a trail of mistakes and failures they made along the way. 

Not enough people share those mistakes and failures. Heck, I was scared to hit 'publish' on this article and share mine with you because I was afraid you wouldn't view me as a professional anymore. Like you’d see my humanness and leave this site immediately.

Maybe some of you will.

But maybe you won’t. Maybe you’ll learn of my mistakes and realize it’s OK that you've made mistakes of your own. Maybe you'll stop being afraid to take action simply because you fear you'll screw up.​ Maybe you'll realize that making mistakes in your business doesn't make you a bad a business owner, it makes you human. 

Watch the video below to learn my 10 biggest business mistakes and what YOU can learn from them. 

(Mistake no.3 resulted in dozens of hate comments - you'll definitely learn a lot from that one.)


Looking for the free course mentioned in this video?

We replaced it with a free masterclass called “10 Steps to Go from Overwhelmed to Organized” - sign up below!

Here's what you'll learn:

  • The 10-step process that helped me stop stressing, work LESS hours but earn an additional $200k.

  • 3 unexpected ways to grow your income without trying any new marketing strategies.

  • How I helped a solopreneur double her income just by organizing and automating her business.

  • The top 3 mistakes you must avoid if you want to organize your business FAST.

Register below to watch the free masterclass instantly!

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Nesha Woolery

I build beautiful brands & websites for passionate entrepreneurs!