Now Open: The Designer Collective

Want to make friends with other freelance designers? Come and join us in The Designer Collective! It’s a FREE Facebook community hosted by me (Nesha Woolery) where you can connect with other freelance designers and share love, support and friendship…

A lot of designers ask me:

“Do you have a free community, Nesha?”

“A Facebook group? Anything?!”

And until now, the answer was no.

Well, not anymore. 

I’m super excited to announce the launch of my new FREE community: The Designer Collective. 


Why launch my free community now?

I love community. Community is the backbone of my business. But I felt that I was limiting my community by keeping it as a paid membership.

I may launch a new membership in the future - who knows?

For now though, building a free community for freelance designers is what feels right. 

What’s happening to my paid membership, The Shelancers Club?

Let me start by saying how wonderful it has been to run The Shelancers Club. The club was the first ‘product’ I ever launched and it has given me such beautiful opportunities and blessings. It has allowed me to get to know my community + collaborate with incredible designers and friends!

However, my entire community is telling me they want courses, not a membership. And if I’m being honest, my heart is in courses too.

I was all set up to relaunch the membership, but something didn’t feel right. I couldn’t deny the fact that what I was launching wasn’t what my community truly needed. 

That’s why The Shelancers Club closed on September 30th.

The community has gone from a private Facebook group to a public group and the content inside the Shelancer library is going to be published on my blog and Youtube channel throughout the year. 

What can you expect inside The Designer Collective?

My absolute FAVOURITE part of The Shelancers Club was our Facebook community, so I’m really excited to open its doors today under a new name - The Designer Collective - and welcome the rest of my community inside! It’s not just another Facebook group. It’s a truly special place where real friendships have been made, collaborators have been found and real advice is shared. 

Just look at what people are saying about it:

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Want to be a part of it? You can join today for FREE!

As a member of my Facebook group, you can also expect 1 FREE Facebook group coaching session every month. 

Each month, I hop on a live call for up to 1 hour and answer questions about starting, growing and scaling your design business. Members can watch live or watch the replays anytime inside the Facebook group. 

There are already three Q&A’s you can watch if you join today!

Are there any new products coming?

Now that The Shelancers Club is closed, one question I’ve been getting is, “what other products can we expect from you?”

I'm glad you asked. ;)

A month ago, I surveyed my community and you told me EXACTLY what you want from me. You told me you want courses and you want video content.

Well, you ask and I deliver. 

I have two new courses coming your way! One is scheduled to launch later this year and the other will launch next year. 

Want to be the first to hear about them? Join my free Facebook group! Being a member of my Facebook group or email list is the fastest way to hear about updates and new products. 

To former members of The Shelancers Club:

I’ve already discussed this with the club but if you’re a member and you missed this update, please email hi(at)neshadesigns(dot)com and we’ll fill you in. All memberships have been canceled and you will no longer be billed!


Nesha Woolery

I build beautiful brands & websites for passionate entrepreneurs!