
Should You Start A Youtube Channel or a Podcast?

If you've been wanting to create long-form content for a while (blog posts, videos, podcasts etc), not just short-form content like social media posts, you've probably wondered...

What type of long-form content is best - a Youtube channel or a podcast?!

First, I want to celebrate you for wanting to create long-form content at all! This isn't something that online service providers necessarily need to do to fill their roster with clients - you can do that through referrals, social media and even email marketing - but it DOES help.

Back when I was a freelance graphic designer, I remember my most well-known client telling me she found me through my blog and that my content showed her that I knew my craft and that I was trustworthy. So long-form content is a great way to build credibility with potential clients if you have the time to create it.

It's also almost a necessity if you want to launch some kind of digital product in the future, like a course, because your long-form content can drive traffic to your conversion machine - this is what I call the funnel you'd sell a course through - and it can grow your audience. And audience growth is really important for digital product sellers because only 1-3% of audiences, on average, convert into course sales. That means that for someone with a digital product business model, audience size matters.

There are quite a few forms of long-form content but if you're debating Youtube or a podcast, which one will be the most profitable?

The answer isn't quite what you'd expect.

The truth is, all marketing platforms can work. The most important thing to do is pick strategies you enjoy because then you'll be more likely to stick with them consistently.

BUT if you're equally torn between Youtube and a podcast then first, here are the pros and cons of each...

Youtube Pros

  • It’s so much easier to get discovered by new potential clients and customers on Youtube because it is a search engine and searching is what users primarily use it for! Whereas the search feature is not the feature that podcast listeners use most in their podcast player. They usually find their favourite podcast creators OFF the platform and THEN subscribe to their podcast.

  • The shelf life of Youtube videos is long. Your videos can be watched for YEARS. (My most popular videos today are videos I made 5-7 years ago that are still going strong!)

  • You can repurpose videos into ALL the content forms: extract the audio and use it as a podcast, make reels, make Tiktoks, transcribe the video and make newsletters and blog posts...

  • Youtube has a Partners Program - after getting 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time, you can show ads on your videos and earn money from them. (As well as getting brand deals and making money that way.)

Podcast Pros

  • You don't have to wear make up or make yourself look presentable if you're someone who feels they need to do this for Youtube. This takes the pressure off of creating long-form content.

  • It's really easy because you don't have to focus on the camera, just on the audio.

  • It’s more suited to quieter or introverted personality types.

  • You can develop stronger relationships with podcast listeners than Youtube listeners. This is because you can be more conversational, more vulnerable, less “how to” ish, and overall more human. You can make an emotional connection with listeners pretty easily.

  • They’re faster to create.

  • They’re great if you have a target market that is always on the go. For example, parents or overwhelmed business owners that don’t have the time to sit and watch Youtube!

Youtube Cons

  • You have to be on camera. That means camera-ready!

  • You need more equipment, like a web cam.

  • It lends itself more to how-to content than anything deeper.

  • It helps if you are naturally charismatic. If you are naturally more quiet or subdued, it might not suit your personality as much as podcasting. (But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn a few tips and tricks to become more comfortable on camera!)

Podcast Cons

  • Less discoverability. You won’t reach a lot of new people with your podcast organically from the podcast platform. A podcast is really for your existing audience.

  • Believe it or not they’re a little harder to edit than videos!

  • You’ll need to pay for a place to host your podcast, like Libsyn.

  • You can get away without using a mic for a Youtube video, but not for a podcast. I recommend the Blue Yeti.

If you want to learn MORE about podcast vs Youtube channel, including 3 questions that will help you discover which one is best for you, watch the video below.

Asana vs Trello - Why I Chose Asana Instead of Trello

Asana vs Trello - Why I Chose Asana Instead of Trello

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I made this free, quick and easy Asana tutorial?

Well, since then I’ve had a surprising amount of questions about project management tools so I thought I’d tackle one of the most popular today:

Asana or Trello?

How To Use Asana: A Simple Asana Tutorial for Beginners

How To Use Asana: A Simple Asana Tutorial for Beginners

Whether you are a beginner business owner or you’ve been doing this for a few years now, the main focus is always marketing, right?

  • How do I get more clients?

  • How do I create consistent income?

  • What marketing strategies should I be using?!

  • What the heck is a FUNNEL?

Don’t get me wrong - these things are suuuuper important and - spoiler alert - I’m going to be talking all about them over the next few months.

But you know what gets put on the backburner while marketing takes the spotlight?

How to Create an Unforgettable Client Experience

How to Create an Unforgettable Client Experience

According to Neilson, a client is 77% more likely to hire you if they learned about you from someone else.

In other words, clients who are REFERRED to you by your other clients are 77% more likely to hire you than someone who stumbles across you another way.

So, focusing on generating more referrals would make sense. But how?

The BEST way to generate more referrals (and repeat work) is to not only provide your clients with great results, but provide them with an unforgettable, professional client experience.

Watch the video below to learn how! In this video, I’m sharing the exact 4-step client process 750+ of my students have learned inside my course, Organize & Automate.

Why Your Client Experience Will Make or Break Your Business

Why Your Client Experience Will Make or Break Your Business

When I ask creative business owners what their no.1 problem is, here's what most of them say:

I can't find clients.

Unless they're pretty new to the online business world, here's my reply:

Have none of your past clients hired you again or sent others your way?

If they are a skilled creative and their answer is no, I know the problem lies with their client experience. They haven't given their clients a professional experience. They're not giving their clients those fuzzy, valued feels you get when a business is reeeeally good to you and treats you like you're the only person they ever work with.

Know the feeling I'm talking about? I'm sure all of us can name a business that made us feel special like that.

You should NEVER ignore the importance of client satisfaction.

Satisfied clients become repeat clients, recommend you to others and build your reputation! Dissatisfied clients can destroy it.

Watch the video below to learn 3 reasons why client satisfaction matters now more than ever.

In this video, you’ll learn:

  • Why 86% of clients and customers are willing to pay more for a better client experience.

  • Why a client that worked with you before is 9x more likely to work with you again than a totally fresh potential client.

  • Why a client is 77% more likely to hire you if they heard about you from family or friends, and how you can get people talking about your services and sending you lots more referrals