courses vs clients

Courses vs Service - Is Launching an Online Course Right for You? A Guide to Passive Income and Courses vs. Clients

Courses vs Service - Is Launching an Online Course Right for You? A Guide to Passive Income and Courses vs. Clients

In the world of online business, the pursuit of passive income through launching online courses has gained a LOT of attention. Everyone and their mom wants to launch a course or digital product. However, before you take the plunge into course creation, you might be wondering, "Should I launch a course? Am I ready?!"

I've been selling online courses and services for 11 years. (Yes, I am an online business grandma.) So if there's anyone who can help you understand whether you're ready to launch a course or if you should focus on client work, it's me.

In this article & podcast episode I'm going to share 4 things you need in place before you should even think about launching a course or digital product…

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