start a business

A 7 Step Plan to Finally Quit Your 9-5 Job

A 7 Step Plan to Finally Quit Your 9-5 Job

Before turning my business into my one and only “job”, I worked in retail. And… I hated it.

  • I had a boss who was really scary and didn’t like me.

  • My job could be so boring I’d sometimes go around straightening coat hangers for fun.

  • And I felt a million miles away from living the life I really craved.

I remember an evening when I was sat next to my then-boyfriend, eating takeaway, watching Saturday night TV and reading a blog post on my iPad by a world-traveling entrepreneur.⁣⁠

⁣⁠She wrote about how she lived in Costa Rica now, and ran a business that allowed her to do work she loved every single day. And as I read the post, a tear rolled down my face that I quickly wiped away so my then-bf couldn’t see.⁠⁣⁠

How Mel Quit Her Day Job To Freelance In Bali

How Mel Quit Her Day Job To Freelance In Bali

Today I have a case study for you that I think you’re going to totally love. My special guest is Mel Judson, who recently quit her day job, went full-time freelance, packed one suitcase and moved to Bali.

Mel is a student in my course, Organise & Automate and she’s used that course to help her set up a premium client experience, so that she could charge premium prices and take her business full-time.

Yes, she has made her dream a total reality! I’m honoured that I’ve been able to help her with my course and I’m now even more honoured to share this chat I had with her, where she shares her tips on how you can quit your job, start your design business, and start living the life that you crave.