why clients say you're too expensive

Why Clients Say You're Too Expensive & What They REALLY Mean…

Why Clients Say You're Too Expensive & What They REALLY Mean…

Has anyone ever told you you’re too expensive?

Well, don’t go lowering your prices just yet because today I want us to have a chat about why they say this and what they REALLY mean.

Picture this:

So you hop on a sales call.⁠

You spend a little too long on the call but you can't help it, this client was MADE FOR YOU.⁠

You tell them the price, thennnn...⁠

They say the three dreaded words : That's too expensive. 😞⁠

Lemme share a truth bomb with you:⁠

You're usually not too expensive.

The same potential client would probably drop four figures on a laptop if theirs died tomorrow.⁠

So… if you're not really too expensive, what's the issue?⁠

Click “play” on the video below to find out!