email list

9 Reasons Why All Freelancers Should Build An Email List

9 Reasons Why All Freelancers Should Build An Email List

These days, the only thing you hear online marketers talking about is growing an email list- and there's a good reason for that. 

The money is in the list. 

If you want your words read, your work seen, and your services and products purchased, an email list is what you need. You can't rely on potential clients to remember to keep visiting your website and perusing your shop. You need to show up consistently in their inbox, proving to them how you're an expert, why they should buy from you, and showing them what they can buy. 

Many freelancers think email marketing is only for product-based businesses. 

I've even heard freelancers say:

  • I don't sell courses so I don't need a list. 
  • I don't sell ebooks so I don't need a list. 
  • I don't have a blog so I definitely don't need a list.

I understand why some freelancers feel that way. 

I think freelancers believe that email marketing is for product-based businesses because:

  • Service-based business owners don't really talk about email marketing
  • Freelancers get most of their clients from referrals, so they don't feel the need to build an email list. 
  • Even when freelancers do build a list, they rarely talk about it because they're busy talking about what their business is actually based on (and rightly so!)

Above all things- even blogging- you need an email list. Email marketing will take your freelance business to new heights. Don't believe me? Here are ten reasons why. 

Why I switched from Mailchimp to Convertkit

Why I switched from Mailchimp to Convertkit

So I know I don't usually write to you guys more than once a week, but I just had to share my recent experience with a very cool newsletter platform everyone is talking about.

By now I'm sure you guys know how nerdy I get over my tools and systems. I love, love, love how many fun and useful tools there are that make running a design business a little easier. In the past, I've written about my favorite invoicing tool (Pancake App), I've shared 21 ways you can automate your creative business and I've shown you the 10 major tools I use to freelance. 

Today, I'm talking content marketing tools. Namely, Mailchimp and Convertkit.